Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Natural Vegetation in the world: Amazon Rainforest

1.Information on the Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest, from its name is a Tropical Rainforest. It is the rainforest which has the largest Biodiversity of species in the world. The diversity of plant species is the highest on Earth with some experts estimating that one square kilometer may contain over 75,000 types of trees and 150,000 species of higher plants. One square kilometer of Amazon rainforest can contain about 90,790 tonnes of living plants.
That is alot!!!

2. Roots Of Tree in Amazon Forest
Buttress Roots. Due to the need for nutrients which are deposited on the top part of the soil, the roots cant be too deep as water it absorbs need to contain nutrients from the top of the soil.They have also buttress roots, as the trees are tall and need support as they can grow high up to 40metres high!

3.Tall and long tree
Trees are long and tall and grow up to 40m, to have more sunlight in order to photosynthesis. There are also Epiphytes on the tree and they need to get more sunlight. Example: Bird Nest Fern. Lianas, which look like snakes also curl around tree's stems to reach for sunlight.

4. Diversity of plants
As high year round it has high temperature and rainfall, it is able to support large varities of plants. There are more than 750 species of trees in 1 hectares.

5. Leaves
Leaves are evergreen all year due to high rainfall throughout the year. Trees do not need to shed their leaves unlike trees in deciduous forests. Leave surfaces are waxy with drip tips to allow rainwater to drain off.

6. Bark and branches
Thin and smooth barks due to no need to protect against cold and dry conditions. Trees have branches only on the top one-third portion of the trunks as the sunlight is blocked out by the plants.


1.Brief Introduction
Bukit Timah Nature's Reserve has Singapore's oldest primary rainforest. Much of the forest has been preserved over the years and shelters a vast variety of plants. The Bukit Timah and Central Catchment nature reserves are home to more than 840 flowering plants and 500 species of animals. This blog will explain how plant life in the tropical rainforest has adapted to living conditions. Basically, they adapt themselves to have sufficient water, sunlight and nutrients from the ground.

2.Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a Tropical Rainforest. Because it has 5 layers and we are in Singapore! Which is within 10degree N of the equator.

3. Epiphytes
We noticed the prescence of epiphytes, which are plants growing on other trees to get more sunlight, as the undergrowth lacks sunlight. They grow on the barks of other trees in order to be closer to the sun to gain more sunlight for photosynthesis.

4. Roots
The plants in the Bukit Timah NAture Reserve has buttress roots. This will ensure that their roots are shallow and at the top, as there is most nutrients are there.

5.Prescence of crawlers
We also noticed that some plants are crawling up other trees in order to gain more sunlight. as they do not have strong stem.